Graduate level
Guest lecturer for Intellectual Property: Current Controversies (instructor: Mira T. Sundara Rajan) at School of Law, UC Davis, 2020
Guest lecturer for Marketing Research (instructor: Ming Hsu) at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 2019
Guest lecturer for Empirical Research Seminar (instructor: Tom R. Tyler) at Yale Law School, 2016
Undergraduate level
Guest lecturer for Neuromarketing (instructor: Ming Hsu) at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 2019
Teaching fellow for Neuroeconomics for Economists (instructor: Ifat Levy) at Department of Economics, Yale University, 2016
Guest lecturer for Scientific Research: Process and Presentation (instructor: Maria Moreno) at Yale University Summer Session, 2015-16
Teaching fellow for The Human Brain (instructor: Gregory McCarthy) at Department of Psychology, Yale University, 2014
Teaching fellow for Introduction to the Human Brain: Brain and Thought (instructor: Amy Arnsten) at Department of Psychology & Cognitive Science Program, Yale University, 2011-12
Instructor on consumer behavior for corporate training programs at Data Wise Academy, 2019
Instructor for various workshops on statistical and computing software (e.g., Matlab, R, and SPSS) at Yale Statlab, 2014-16
Instructor for the Yale Young Global Scholars Program (for high school students), 2016